1 Comment

  1. Hey Theo,

    I watched the film as soon as I got the link and have watched it again two more times since. I want to congratulate you for acting in it! Seeing you in that film made my day believe me! This is the second time I see you in a film and you keep growing and improving, man. You’ve been working on your craft and the results are there. Salut! I waited and waited and, just when I was about to ask myself if you were really acting in the film, you appeared first among the crowd and dancing and clapping, and then with other actors in the film in that cafe and on the street. You were cool and assez pausé. Was that what and how you were supposed to do/be in the film? I guess so because roles are different, right? I am talking as a person with no expertise in films, I mean, I am not a critique de cinema.

    We want to watch more films where you act, Theo! Continue, j’aime cela! It is a wonderful world that film world. And I understand why you so much love it!

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