Muay Thai & I

I was in the bus one day listening to music on blast through my earphones. The bus came to a stop because someone was getting off. Sitting in one of the two seats directly to the left of the back door, staring out the window, I felt someone pull my earphone out of my left…

Synergy 1/2

Ryu & Ken, Venus & Serena, Kobe & Shaq, Mario & Luigi, Styles & Kiss etc. Universally loved, iconic duos, legendary 1-2 punches. There’s a synergy to these figures, their flow, their execution of business are so in sync that it makes them lethal in their respective endeavors.  Now imagine any one of the pairs…


“Do 3-5 small, enjoyable things spaced throughout each day that distract you from grinding duties and that hit your stress reset button. This creates a feedback loop of anticipation, enjoyment, gratitude, and spontaneity.” Every so often I do one of these things to temporarily escape my environment: I look at pictures of embassies around the…

Theo 2021

Is 2021 just the sequel of 2020? Or the remix? I choose not to think so, and I hope you don’t either. This year hasn’t started out exactly as planned (does it ever really?), but you have to keep pushing.  2021 especially has already taken a specific turn for me, just about two months in,…